
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Elf on the tree brown bag ornament tutorial

You may have an elf on a shelf but probably not on your tree.  This is an easy project that uses a recycled brown paper bag, some paint and fiberfill. So he is inexpensive and easy enough for the kids to make!  This little elf has probably been into Santa’s cookies though!

You will need:

Brown paper bag

Star pattern (download)

Acrylic paint in red, white, black, blue, brown and flesh



Small paintbrush, flat and liner

Tacky craft glue

Clothespins to hold together while the glue dries

Small amount of fiberfill

Paper plate to use as a paint palette

6-inches of 1/8” wide gold ribbon

Graphite paper for tracing your pattern

1.     Transfer the star pattern on a heavy weight brown paper bag, one for the front and one for the back.  Use the pattern for a painting guide.

2.     Begin painting the elf by following the photo tutorials.  Using the flesh colored paint in the top star point paint a curved shape for his face.  Add some white at the forehead area for the brim of his hat.  Fill in the top with red paint.  Let dry.  Acrylic paint dries quickly. Add some brown paint under the brim for his hair.

3.     Paint the side tips of two star points white. (Gloves)  Paint triangles all around the edge of his chin. (Collar)  Let the paint dry.

4.     Fill in the rest of the star with red paint. (Body)

5.     For the second star (back) repeat all the steps above except instead of flesh under the brim paint it all brown for the his hair on the back of his head.

6.     Go back to the front and make two small eye shapes with white paint in the center of the face using the pattern as a guide. (Eyes)

7.     When the whites of the eyes are dry add a dot of blue in each one and then add a black dot in the center.  Make eyelashes with the black paint and some black lines on his bangs for his hair.

8.     Use some red paint thinned with water to paint the cheeks in a circular shape on each side.  Make a red curved line between the cheeks. (Mouth)  Let dry.

9.     Cut out both painted stars.

10.  Cut a six-inch piece of 1/8” wide ribbon and make loop. Add some tacky glue to the inside top point of the back star and attach the ribbon.  Run a bead of glue all around the edges leaving the bottom center points unglued and attach the front star.  Make sure they are lined up properly and painted sides are facing out. Use some clothespins to hold together while drying.

11. When the glue has dried fill with a small amount of fiberfill and glue the open area.  Use a clothespin to hold while drying.

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