I always fill stockings for my adult children. The problem is that when they go back to their homes, they take the Christmas stocking with them. So, the following year, I must come up with another generic stocking to fill. Since, the cost of the contents is usually pricey, the stocking must be reasonable, but attractive. I got this simple felt stocking for a dollar, but I wasn’t happy with the way they looked. So, I created a felt mosaic buffalo plaid embellishment. It is so easy that you could even do this with young children.
Inexpensive felt stockings
Red felt
Burgundy felt
Black felt
Fabric glue
Cardboard to insert into the stocking while you add your felt squares.
Gather your supplies.
First, cut a piece of cardboard the width of the stocking and insert it into it. This will help with stability while you add the your felt squares to your Chiristmas stocking.
Now, cut ½” x ½” squares from the red, burgundy and black felt. Next plan out how the squares will be positioned on your stocking.
Now begin to glue each square on the stocking working horizonally.
Row 1: black, burgundy, black, continue this pattern to the end
Row 1: burgundy, red, burgundy, continue this pattern to the end.
Repeat row 1 and 1 till you have made your felt mosaic buffalo plaid as wide as you want on your stocking. Optionally add some extra trim to the top of the stocking.
Let dry completely. You will have a faux felt mosaic buffalo plaid Christmas stocking.