Painting rocks are all the rage these days. Whether you leave them for someone to find or you gift them for paperweights, they are inexpensive and fun. This turkey rock is cute and you personalize it with the name of your guest. Leave the turkey rock at each table setting and your guest can take it home as a customized party favor and memento.
Add the date and year on the back and the turkey rock will be a lasting memento of the holiday. You can even have the back blank and let each guest write something they are thankful for before the meal. It’s a fun tradition for Thanksgiving.
Let's get started:
Acrylic paint in white, brown, lt. brown, yellow, red, orange, and black
Sharpie or any permanent marker in black
Small paintbrush
Newspaper to protect your work surface
1. First, paint the entire rock front and back with orange paint. Let each side dry before painting the other and then let completely dry. It may help to use a hair dryer to dry all the layers quickly.
2. Now, use a pencil to lightly add guidelines for all the shapes. The head is a teardrop oval. The body is a larger oval. The beak is a small diamond shape. The feet are three claws on each side of the body. The eyes are two round circles on each side of the beak. The waddle is a long fat comma shape. And the feathers are spoke-like fan shapes with a curved top. You will just fill in the spaces as you would a coloring book! Super easy. If you don’t like your pencil lines, erase them and start over.
3. Use the paintbrush and brown paint to block in the head. Next, with the same brown, add a rounded shape. This is the body, which is approximately twice the size of the head. Let dry. (See photo) You are blocking in the basic shapes working around the eyes, beak, and waddle. You will be going over all the lines on entire turkey with the marker when it is finished and dry.
4. Now add the tail feathers. Using the brown paint, start at the bottom and work all around the body making each feather like a fan shape, slightly curved at the top. Now use the white paint on the top of the feathers curving the top. Let dry. Add the features. Paint the eyes in white, the beak yellow, and feet yellow, and the waddle red. Let dry.
5. When all the painted areas are dry, Use the Sharpie or permanent fine line marker to outline all the feathers, body, and features.
6. Highlight your turkey by making some light brown lines on the body. Add the pupils of the eyes with the marker. You may also want to use a little thinned white paint to add some highlights on the feathers and body. (See photo)
7. Finally use some white paint to add the name on the feathers, counting the letters so that they are in the center.
8. Add the date and year on the back of the rock, or leave blank and let each guest write what they are thankful for. Place at each place setting. Your guests can take their turkey rock home as a party favor.

Crystal, this is brilliant!!! Thank you!! Big Hugs! (I hope you get more snow this year! I remember you making your little snowmen! LOL!)