Want some free printables for the kids? Today we've compiled a few of our favorites for you to print out and enjoy.
Coloring is so trendy right now. Kid's are doing it like they always did but now grownups are joining in on the fun. Coloring can do so many things. It relieves stress and stimulates relaxation. It amps up ones creativity. As fast and stressful as this world can be, coloring brings you down to earth and promotes well being. While these printables are geared for kids, I'm working on some grown-up coloring pages, so stop back by soon and check out the color zone!
Click on the photos for the free tutorials and printables
Whip up a cute little coloring booklet for the kiddies...easy and fun.
The next printable is an apple bookmark. This is a great way to get your kids reading!
Kid's love their pets so this stained glass style pet printable coloring page is going to be fun. Print it on tracing paper and they can tape it to a window just like real stained glass!
It will be Halloween before you know it and kids love to decorate. These hanging spiders are fun and they can color them any way they choose, then hang them on threads.

Thank you for the free printable! My kid loves to color, and I needed something new. I am gonna let her try the spiders, and see if she createS rainbow colored spiders :)