Friday, November 21, 2014

Wine and champagne cork snowman ornament

This little snowman will look adorable on your tree.  Take it a step further and attach him to a hostess gift wine bottle or package.  I’ve used small pieces of wire with the glue for extra stability. These little snowmen (or women) will stand or you can attach an eye screw to the top for easy hanging.  Make one, two or a whole bunch. Quick, easy and very cute! 

Note:  When I'm cutting my cork, I usually work on a sheet or two of heavy corrugated cardboard or recycled foam core board.  This protects your work surface.  

You will need:

Wine cork—there are black wine corks; if you have one of those you can eliminate painting the cork black.

Champagne cork

Paper twisted floral wire

Dimensional fabric paint in black and orange and if desired,  optional clear sparkle

Black acrylic paint

Small paintbrush

20-gauge wire

Wire cutters

Needle nosed pliers

Small awl or nail

Hot glue gun and glue sticks or thick tacky craft glue


X-acto or craft knife

Heavy corrugated cardboard (to protect your work surface while cutting the cork)

220 sand paper


Black fun foam scrap

4” Red ribbon—the kind you can fray the ends

Small eye screws

1.     Measure and cut a wine cork in half.  Sand the cut edges with fine sandpaper till smooth. One will be the head and the other the top of the hat.  Use the awl or nail to make a hole in one of the pieces of wine cork.  Using the wire cutters cut a ½” piece and insert into the hole you made.  Use the protruding wire to hold the wine cork while you paint it all black. (Top hat)  If you have used a black cork you don’t need to paint it.

2.     Make a hole in the bottom of the other wine cork piece with the awl or nail.  Cut an insert another ½” piece of wire.  Make a hole in the bulbous top of the champagne cork and dabbing a bit of hot glue on the wire end of the head, insert in the top of the champagne cork.  (See photo)

3.     Use a compass to make a 1” diameter circle from the black fun foam and cut out. 

4.     Cut a ½” piece of wire and insert in the bottom of the black painted cork piece and stick it through the center of the fun foam circle.  (Top hat made)

5.     To put the top hat on the head, use the awl or nail to make a hole in the top of the head, add a bit of glue and insert on the head. 

6.     Cut two 1 ½” pieces of paper wrapped floral wire with wire cutters. Pull down the paper to expose a bit of the wire.  Make a hole with the nail or awl on each side of the champagne cork body, add some glue to the to the exposed wire and insert in the holes.  Use needle nosed pliers to bend however you would like.

7.     Attach the ribbon around the neck with some glue.

8.     Make dots for the eyes, mouth, and buttons with the black dimensional paint.  Make a nose with the orange dimensional paint.  Let the paint dry. For an extra touch add some sparkle dimensional paint on the hat and arms. (optional) Attach an eye screw to the top of the hat for hanging or you can eliminate this step if you just want your snowmen to stand.


  1. This is sooo cute ! I am going to try making one. Marion x

  2. These are adorable! Now I'm made I got rid of a big bag of corks not too long ago. lol Might have to drink some wine and save a few so I can some before Christmas. Thanks for the tutorial & sharing @DearCreatives Pinned for later PS. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. These are so cute, pinning! Now I have a good excuse to open a bottle of champagne :)


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