I figured what better way to start 2018 than to put up a list of Make it easy craft's five best posts of 2017. This past year recycled wine cork crafts were very popular as were painted rocks. The best of which are listed in order of popularity.
It’s a New Year and a new chance to start anew. While I don’t buy into the resolution thing,
I do feel that every year gives everyone a refreshed chance to get it right.
Whether you need to work on yourself or on how you relate to others it never
hurts to try to be the best you can be.
With that said I must apologize for being a bit lax with
posts of late. The Holidays, this year,
were even more busy than they have been in the past and the time seems to fly
So instead of a resolution that will just fall by the
wayside in a couple weeks, I will focus on one thing for 365 days. I will focus on one positive word each
month. The word for January is kindness.
So with no further adieu, I will list the five most popular posts
of 2017 and wishing you the best as we dive into 2018.
1. Loveable wine cork Valentine bear
Thanks for a great year and hope your New Year will be the best ever!!!

Thanks Crystal! Great post! Happy New Year! Wishing you and your loved ones many blessings! Big Hugs!