I love creating with recycled materials and soda cans are a great material to work with. It cuts easily and has limitless uses in crafting! I made this little spinner with patriotic duct tape for the fourth of July, but you can change the color on the blades to solid and a different color for the center and make all sorts of flower spinners.
You will need:
Empty soda can
Wine cork
Large pushpin
Wooden barbecue skewer or small dowel
Awl or drill with small bit
Duct tape in desired color or colors
Needle nosed pliers
Compass and pencil
Plastic mat (optional but helpful when cutting duct tape
X-acto or craft knife
Use the X-acto or craft knife to cut the top of
the soda can completely off. (You can
use pointed scissors for this step but the X-acto makes a smoother cut with
less sharp edges)
Measure two strips of duct tape 8 ½” long. Begin at the cut edge of the can and apply
one strip of duct tape around. Repeat
with the second strip to the bottom thereby covering the can.
Using the scissors cut down the length of the
can to the bottom edge. Measure one inch
from the cut piece and cut again.
Continue making approximately 1 -inch strips down the can. You will end up with 7 strips.
Use the needle nosed pliers to help bend the
strips out and down like spokes. (See
Meanwhile use the compass to mark and cut a 1 ½”
diameter circle from duct tape. Attach to the center bowl bottom of can (Which
will be the front of the spinner) Use an awl or drill with a small bit to drill
a hole in the center.
Trim each spoke ends into a curved petal edge.
To make the spinner spin you need to bend each
spoke base at an angle towards the center and pull the blade forward. Continue around in the same direction,
bending each spoke at the base. (See photo)
Drill a hole in the wine cork about ¼” from the
edge and insert the skewer or dowel. Using a
large pushpin inset through the hole in the center of the spinner and through
the end of the wine cork. This will allow the can to spin freely.