Hi there! I’m over at
Bowdabra blog today teaching you how to make an awesome glow in the dark dog
bow. Halloween is on the horizon and you
will want to dress up your pet as well as yourself. You can make this adorable glow in the dark
dog bow quick and easy with the Bowabra bow maker with ruler attachment.
glow on the bow comes from using glow in the dark duct tape that we made into a
kind of ribbon. This duct tape has a
unique fabric like texture that makes it ideal for bow making. Now when you go out trick or treating with
your pooch you will both be a little safer with the blow in the dark dog bow!
best part is that this dog bow is removable with elastic that easily slides on
and off your pet’s collar.
in the dark duct tape
board or any other removable surface
mini bow maker with ruler attachment
bow wire
1 ½” wide orange and black Halloween ribbon
1/8” wide black elastic
piece of black felt
glue gun and hot glue sticks
First make the duct tape ribbon. Working on a cutting board, cut two pieces of
the duct tape 12” long. Now, carefully
stick them sticky sides together. You
will have one piece.
Next, use a ruler to measure about ¼” wide by
12” long. Cut two of these strips. This will be your glow in the dark ribbon.
Now to make the bow cut 18” bow Bowdabra bow
wire, fold in half and insert into the bow maker. You will have a loop on one side and two
loose wires on the other. Fold the wires
under to keep out of the way while you are making the bow.
Then fold the orange and black ribbon in half to
find the center. Insert into the
Bowdabra with the wrong side facing up.
Now bring the right side of the ribbon over and
insert the end into the Bowdabra. Then bring the opposite side of the ribbon
over the first and under to insert that end into the Bowdabra. It will look like an X.
Push the first ribbon loop into the
Bowdabra. Then push the second loop into
the Bowdabra over the first one.
Now take the ¼” strips of duct tape ribbon and
fold in half to find the center. Insert
into the Bowdabra. Now make a loop with the right side of the ribbon
first. Then make a matching loop with
the other side.
Repeat step 7 with the second ¼’ duct tape
ribbon, so you have two mini bows in the center. Scrunch down with the Bowdabra
Insert the two loose wires through the loop and
pull tight while the bow is still in the Bowdabra. Remove from the Bowdabra, turn to the back,
separate the wires and tie a knot. Then
tie a second knot. After you tie the second knot clip the excess wires.
10. Finish
with the elastic attachment. Cut a piece
of black felt ¾” x ¾” and a piece of elastic about 2” long. (You may need to cut a larger or smaller
piece of elastic depending upon how wide your pet’s collar is.
11. Finally
glue the elastic in a loop on the back of the bow. Cover where it attaches by
gluing the felt on that area. You may
slide your bow easily on and off your pet’s collar. The center bow will glow with a very
Halloween-y greenish hue.

This is so cool! Thanks Crystal!